Reflection for 3rd Quarter

 Throughout this quarter, I have gained valuable knowledge, especially in coding for our CBR. I discovered new ways to analyze information, improved my teamwork skills, and developed a deeper understanding of coding.

Like any learning experience, I faced several challenges. Some of the major difficulties was time management, complex lessons, group work struggles. It was tough to balance schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and personal time. 

To overcome these obstacles, I adopted better time management strategies, sought help from my teachers and classmates, and remained persistent in my studies. I also learned to stay patient and work collaboratively, which helped in overcoming group challenges.

As I continue my academic journey, I will strive to improve my weaknesses and build on my strengths. I plan to manage my time more efficiently, participate more in class, seek more learning opportunities. By doing so, I hope to make the next quarter even more productive and fulfilling. I'll be doing my best.


  1. Simple yet so much to learn from. Continue doing great work! :)

  2. never stop learning-everyday is an opportunity to grow>\\<

  3. You have a wonderful ability to learn from your experiences and grow from them. Keep it up!

  4. I was amazed while reading your blog, it is amazing that you were able to grow this quarter!*-*


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